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Energy efficiency and decarbonisation services

Reduce operating costs and emissions for your business.

Blue sky

Has your business been thinking about its carbon output and environmental sustainability?

Our team can help your premises reach their full potential, by reducing your operating costs and cutting your carbon emissions with a range of tailored energy efficiency solutions. The ActewAGL Energy Solutions team can offer:

  • Commercial and industrial electrical appliance upgrades
  • Electric vehicle charging infrastructure
  • Project management services and consultancy services

A trusted partner in the capital region business community, ActewAGL’s energy efficiency programs have supported over 4,000 local businesses to reduce their energy costs since 2017.  Based in the heart of Canberra, our local teams are primed to provide in-person energy advice—tailored to your specific energy needs and targets.

Flexible payment options, including interest-free financing and on-bill payment plans, make your energy investment easier than ever*.


Get back to business with a cheaper, greener and more integrated energy setup.
Tap into expert energy advice and local knowledge—based in the heart of Canberra.
Get fit for the future. Explore the potential of your commercial energy ecosystem.

Speak direct to our local Canberra team for advice on your business needs.

ActewAGL does not provide Energy Solutions installations. Independent contractors provide these services.

*Contact us to discuss terms and conditions, eligibility and payment options. ActewAGL Retail ABN 46 221 314 841, a partnership of Icon Retail Investments Limited ABN 23 074 371 207 and AGL ACT Retail Investments Pty Ltd ABN 53 093 631 586.

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