Your new smart meter
If you’ve signed up to a new ActewAGL plan, you may need a new digital electricity meter (also known as a smart meter) installed. You’ll also get a new meter if your current meter is faulty or needs replacing. As your energy retailer, we’ll organise the installation for you.
Your new meter is digital and can be read remotely, providing accurate information on your usage every 5 minutes. As it can be remotely read, once it’s installed it won’t need to be manually read by a meter reader.
New meter fact sheet-
Benefits of a new meter
Life support equipment
New meter installation
How pricing works
When your new meter is installed, you may be placed on an alternative pricing plan called time-of-use, and charged differently for the electricity you use.
If you find that this plan doesn’t suit your needs, you can change your plan once in a 12-month period. The available options depend on whether you’re in the ACT or NSW. If your property is in the ACT, you can opt-in to a demand pricing plan. If your property is in NSW you can opt-in to our standard home or business plan. Find out more information about pricing plans.
You can change your plan by speaking with a local energy expert on 13 14 93.