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ActewAGL is committed to supporting the health, safety and wellbeing of its employees and customers and does not tolerate family and domestic violence.
ActewAGL is here to support its customers.
ActewAGL is committed to providing confidential and respectful assistance to customers experiencing or impacted by family violence.
ActewAGL’s Family Violence Policy sets out its commitment and the mechanisms through which it will provide individualised and meaningful support for customers impacted by family violence.
What does this policy cover?
ActewAGL’s Family Violence Policy outlines how residential and small business customers impacted by family violence can receive assistance through ActewAGL.
What is family violence?
Family violence is not limited to physical abuse. Family violence can include threatening, coercive, dominating or psychologically abusive behaviour that occurs within a family or ‘family-like’ relationship that causes an individual to fear for their safety or wellbeing, or that of someone else.
Family violence can happen in any family structure, domestic relationship and culturally or community-recognised union, including (but not limited to) interactions:
- between intimate partners;
- between children and parents;
- between seniors and carers or family members; and/or
- between immediate relations living in the same home.
Some examples of family violence include:
- a partner making an individual dependent on them by controlling their finances;
- emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse by a dating partner;
- mistreatment of a child by another parent or caregiver;
- violent behaviour towards a parent by an adolescent dependent; and/or
- controlling behaviours, negligence, or mistreatment by a family member or friend that lives or stays in an indvidual’s home.
ActewAGL has specialised team members ready to provide meaningful support.
ActewAGL’s Staying Connected hardship team is a specialist group of team members, trained by Lifeline Canberra to support customers impacted by family violence. The Staying Connected hardship team provides a broad range of support measures relevant to energy account/s, and can help to ensure individuals impacted by family violence do not need to repeatedly disclose information regarding their circumstances. Impacted individuals do not need to provide any documentary evidence of family violence.
ActewAGL will help protect the security of those impacted by family violence.
ActewAGL understands the importance of account security, and has developed additional safeguard options for impacted customer account/s along with extra measures to minimise the risk of an unintended disclosure of personal information.
Once a customer has advised ActewAGL that they are being (or have been) impacted by family violence, the following measures may be applied to the relevant energy account/s:
- ActewAGL may remove contact names from an account and ask for a PIN number or password that allows only the individual or their authorised contact to access the account/s.
- Multi-factor authentication will be used to ensure that any attempt to access the account is authenticated only by the customer or their authorised contact.
- A new account may be created for an impacted individual under an alias, if the customer considers this is warranted.
- A flag will be placed on a customer’s energy account/s to indicate it is the subject of additional protections as a result of circumstances advised by the customer.
- ActewAGL may send correspondence regarding the account from an email inbox which is the subject of additional restrictions. Where relevant, documents or notes regarding this correspondence will not be stored on the customer’s primary account profile, and sensitive information may be redacted or removed.
- Communications will be provided to the customer only by the method of communication they nominate. ActewAGL may limit the written correspondence it sends if the customer considers this appropriate.
- ActewAGL will maintain records of the arrangements agreed with the customer regarding their energy account/s.
If the customer is managing a debt with the support of a financial counsellor or advocate, ActewAGL will need the customer’s written permission if the customer would like a financial counsellor or advocate to be able to discuss their energy account/s on their behalf. Once written permission is received by ActewAGL, ActewAGL can engage directly with the authorised contact in accordance with the consent and instructions provided.
ActewAGL will assist impacted customers with managing their energy bills.
ActewAGL understands that circumstances beyond an individual’s control can lead to financial difficulties or stress. To ensure ActewAGL can provide the most meaningful support, customers impacted by family violence are encouraged to call 1300 138 574 for timely access to support.
If a customer is experiencing long term financial hardship, they may be eligible for tailored support through ActewAGL’s Financial Hardship Policy, primarily administered by ActewAGL’s Staying Connected team.
ActewAGL will work with each customer to confirm the support measures most suited to their personal circumstances. Once a customer engages with ActewAGL, there are a number of ways ActewAGL can help, including:
- Establishing an agreed payment arrangement to manage the individual’s account/s and ensure their energy services remain connected.
- If the customer has a joint account that is in debt, ActewAGL will work with them on how this can be managed relevant to their personal circumstances.
- ActewAGL will work with each customer in relation to debts incurred while they are/ were being impacted by family violence and may be able to adjust amounts to be paid (including outstanding fees or charges).
- ActewAGL will review the customer’s account to ensure they are on the best discounted plan for their energy usage.
- If eligible, a voucher may be applied to the energy account/s through ActewAGL’s Energy Support Fund or if the customer resides in NSW, ActewAGL can assist with applying for Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) vouchers.
- ActewAGL can review the customer’s account for any eligible appliance replacement or upgrade programs through ActewAGL or the ACT or NSW Governments. These programs support increased energy efficiency and reduced emissions, and can also help reduce the customer’s energy costs.
ActewAGL encourages the use of Centrepay for account payments. Centrepay is a free bill paying service, where regular deductions can be made from a customer’s Centrelink payment and applied directly to their energy account/s. For customers wishing to make payments through Centrepay, ActewAGL’s reference number is 555 053 532S.
ActewAGL will help with managing any outstanding debts.
ActewAGL will consider the potential impact of any pending debt recovery action. If there has been historic debt recovery through a third-party debt collector, ActewAGL will consider the suspension or cessation of the third-party debt-collection process.
ActewAGL will help impacted customers stay connected.
ActewAGL will work with impacted customers to keep their energy connected. If the customer engages with ActewAGL and maintains any agreed payment plans, their energy will remain connected.
For customers on ActewAGL’s Staying Connected program, ActewAGL will ensure their energy remains connected while they are participating in the program.
Accessing support through ActewAGL
Support through ActewAGL’s Family Violence Policy can be accessed directly by customers or through their advocates (if authorised by the customer). Requests for support can be made by email to StayingConnected@actewagl.com.au, calling 1300 138 574 or completing ActewAGL’s online form.
If a customer is managing a debt with the support of a financial counsellor or advocate, ActewAGL requires written permission to engage with the nominated support person. Once written permission is received, ActewAGL will engage with the customer’s nominated contact in accordance with the customer’s consent and instructions.
ActewAGL may cease providing support:
by mutual agreement between ActewAGL, the customer and/ or advocate;
when an agreed outcome has been reached;
where ongoing engagement or contact is no longer possible, desirable, or necessary;
immediately if (in ActewAGL’s reasonable opinion), the customer or advocate do not abide by the terms of the Policy or if they engage in fraudulent or other unlawful activity in relation to the scheme; or
if (in ActewAGL’s reasonable opinion), support is no longer required. In a scenario where an account is closed with no payable balance and there has been no contact attempted or received for 12 months or more, ActewAGL may cease monitoring the customer’s account.
Managing privacy of personal information
ActewAGL will comply with all relevant privacy legislation in relation to each customer's personal information. Customers can find a summary of ActewAGL’s Privacy Policy on its website actewagl.com.au/legal/privacy. ActewAGL’s Privacy Officer can be contacted by emailing Privacy@actewagl.com.au
Other supports
ActewAGL has developed this Policy in conjunction with members of the ACT Community Sector, who are also available to provide support as needed.
Available to anyone living in the ACT region affected by domestic and family violence.24/7 Crisis Line - (02) 6280 0900
SMS: 0421 268 492
Email: crisis@dvcs.org.au1800RESPECT – outside ACT
National domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support servicePh: 1800 737 732
www.1800respect.org.auCare Inc
Community organisation that provides free and confidential support and assistance to people who are experiencing financial difficulty.Ph: 02 6257 1788
www.carefcs.orgNational Debt Helpline
Free financial counselling services – get help in managing bills and debtsPh: 1800 007 007
www.ndh.org.auACT Government Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Office
Translation services
Need language assistance? 13 14 50
Hearing impaired and need a TTY service? 13 36 77