Feedback and complaints
Your feedback is important to us and helps us continually improve. Here’s how you can share your feedback with us or make a complaint.
How to provide feedback.
Your feedback is appreciated and valued. We welcome your suggestions on how we can improve.
If you have feedback relating to your electricity or natural gas accounts, contracts, offers, meter installation or alteration, please let us know by logging in to Once logged in, select More and then Contact Us. If you're not registered at My.ActewAGL, you can register in only a few minutes using your energy account number, which can be found on your bill, and your last name and date of birth. You can also find more ways to contact us here.
Nominate an ActewAGL employee
We shine a light on our exceptional employees through our Shooting Stars program. Let us know if an individual or team has gone above and beyond to deliver exceptional customer service. If you'd like to nominate one of our employees, email with their name and reason why you are nominating them.
If you would like to make a comment about the electricity or natural gas networks in the ACT, including poles, wires, gas pipes, supply outages, entry to land or site restoration, please contact Evoenergy
For ACT water and sewerage account matters, please contact Icon Water.

How to make a complaint.
It's our policy to:
- receive complaints by telephone, fax, email or letter
- resolve your complaint as soon as reasonably possible
- deal with your complaint professionally, efficiently and fairly
- keep you advised of progress or changes
- discuss with you any cost that may be associated prior to undertaking any action
- provide reasons for all of our decisions
- learn from your feedback and improve ActewAGL's service and product delivery
- treat all customers with courtesy and respect.
For complaints relating to the services provided to you by ActewAGL, either as your energy retailer or as a data holder under the Consumer Data Right, please contact:
ActewAGL Retail Customer Liaison
GPO Box 366, Canberra ACT 2601
Phone: 02 5110 2514
How we handle your complaint.
We’ll acknowledge your complaint as quickly as possible and provide a response within 20 business days. When we receive your complaint, it will be registered and immediately assigned to an officer for investigation, action and resolution.
You may be entitled to a rebate if we fail to respond within 20 days as described in Schedule 1 of the Consumer Protection Code.
If you are dissatisfied with ActewAGL’s decision about your complaint, you can ask for reconsideration by a higher level of ActewAGL management.
If you remain dissatisfied after the reconsideration, you have a right to refer your concerns to the Ombudsman.
For events that have taken place in the ACT, contact the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT).
ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT)
Allara House 15 Constitution Avenue, Canberra ACT
GPO Box 370, Canberra ACT 2601
Phone: 02 6207 1740
For events that have taken place in NSW, contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON).
Energy and Water Ombudsman of NSW
Reply Paid 86550
Sydney South NSW 1234
Free call: 1800 246 545
Form: Online Complaint Form (
Your responsibilities
For us to respond to your complaint appropriately, you must:
- clearly identify the issues of complaint and provide any relevant supporting information and documents
- where possible, let us know what kind of result or outcome you are hoping to receive
- advise us promptly if recent circumstances change
- treat all ActewAGL employees with courtesy and respect.
For more information on making a complaint, see our complaints and dispute resolution procedure.