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Community Grants Program.

Empowering local community organisations to light up our region.


The ActewAGL Community Grants program delivers grant funding to local community groups, local not-for-profit and charity organisations. Established in 2020, the program has delivered funding to over 70 local organisations to directly support the capital region community.

An annual funding round offers eligible organisations the opportunity to apply for funding of up to $30,000 for specific projects that support the capital region community. We’re committed to providing support across a number of community areas, including:

  • innovation
  • environmental sustainability
  • at-risk and disadvantaged populations (women, elderly, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, LGBTQIA+, homeless etc.)
  • community engagement.

To apply, your organisation will need to propose a project that funding will be used towards. This may be a new or existing project and will need to be supported by a justified budget and delivery outline.

ActewAGL Community Grants program timeline

Applications open

1 May 2025

Applications close

30 June 2025

Applications reviewed by selection panel

July 2025

Awarding and payment of grants

August 2025

All proposals will be reviewed based on their eligibility, the proposed project and merit of application. Please note, funding will not be awarded for ‘business as usual’ purposes or to fund general operations. Due to the substantial number of applicants, feedback will not be provided to unsuccessful applicants and late submissions will not be accepted.

Funding is limited and not all applicants will receive funding. ActewAGL may elect to partially fund applications where deemed appropriate by the selection panel. Organisations will be contacted in July 2025 regarding the outcome of their application.

All successful applicants are required to accept the ActewAGL Community Grants Program Agreement and Code of Conduct, as well as submit a Grant Acquittal Report, in accordance with the agreement terms and timelines.

Code of Conduct form  Agreement sample Acquittal form

Applications for 2025

The ActewAGL Community Grants program will open on 1 May 2025. If you have any queries, please email our local team at

  • To be eligible for an ActewAGL Community Grant, your organisation must meet the following criteria:

    • Be located in the ACT or surrounding NSW region*. Please see NSW region postcodes below.
    • Be an ActewAGL electricity and/or gas customer (business or residential).
    • Be a local charity or not-for-profit organisation registered with Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and be classified as a medium-sized organisation (with under $3 million in annual revenue) by the ACNC. Organisations listed as ‘large’ are ineligible for the ActewAGL Community Grants Program.
    • Identify a category area for your organisation and propose a targeted program that funds will support (listed above and on the application form).
    • Agree to deliver reports on the use of grant funds and be appropriately accommodating to any reasonable requests made by ActewAGL.
    • Disclose any involvement of an employee of the ActewAGL Joint Venture (ActewAGL, Evoenergy or Icon Water), with your organisation as a board or high-level member.
    • Not be an organisation in direct competition with ActewAGL.
    • Not be sponsored by or involved with our competitors.
    • Not be a registered political party, sporting club or team.
    • Not be engaged in activities which may be detrimental to public health or safety.
    • Have honoured any past agreements.
    • Have wide community engagement.
    • Not have an adverse reputation in relation to discrimination or other matters deemed significant.
    • Organisation must not undertake activities that are inappropriate or contrary to the law.

    *ActewAGL’s NSW supply region postcodes: 2535, 2536, 2537, 2538, 2539, 2540, 2541, 2545, 2546, 2548, 2549, 2550, 2551, 2580, 2581, 2582, 2583, 2584, 2585, 2586, 2587, 2594, 2611, 2618, 2619, 2620, 2621, 2622, 2623, 2624, 2625, 2626, 2627, 2628, 2629, 2630, 2631, 2632, 2633, 2720.

    • Explain the project your organisation will use the grant funds for, including the target audience, measurable outcomes, on-going benefits (if any) and any supporting partners that will co-contribute financially, or otherwise, to the project.
    • Explain thoroughly how your project will contribute positively to the capital region community, highlighting how it fits within the selected focus category (community engagement, at-risk and disadvantaged populations, environmental sustainability or innovation).
    • Demonstrate your connection with the capital region community and how your project will benefit your identified target community.
    • Have a justified budget and timeline prepared for your project. 

Learn more about how we empower our community with our other Community Support and Engagement programs.

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