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NSW Life Support rebate

Terms and Conditions

  1. Customer is a NSW resident.
  2. Life Support medical confirmation and rebate form must be completed and signed by the account holder as well as a registered medical practitioner and returned by post to:

    ActewAGL Retail Life Support
    GPO Box 366
    Canberra ACT 2601

    Or by email to

  3. The property relating to the account has to be the sole or principal place of residence of the applicant.
  4. You can receive more than one rebate if your doctor has prescribed more than one type of machine, such as an oxygen concentrator and a ventilator.
  5. If more than one person uses the approved equipment, you can receive multiple rebates, but you need to submit a separate application form for each patient.
  6. Some machines have a part-time and full-time (24 hour a day) rate rebate. Your doctor will need to indicate on the form the rate you use the equipment. 
  7. You’re required to advise of your Life Support status each time you change your address and may be required to fill out a new application. Applications must be submitted as soon as possible, prior to the issue of the first bill on which the rebate is claimed. 
  8. You are required to notify ActewAGL if you are no longer eligible for the Life Support equipment protections/Life Support rebate.
  9. You are required to re-apply for the Life Support equipment protections/Life Support rebates every two years.
  10. GST applies to the balance of your bill after the rebate has been deducted.

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