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Six ways flatmates can manage energy bills to save together.

Keeping track of energy usage can be challenging in a shared household. When trying to save energy and dollars off your energy bills, this can be tricky territory to navigate.

Here are some helpful tips to help you manage and lower your collective energy bills so all household members save money together.

  1. Have a meeting to discuss bills

    It may be helpful to initiate a discussion about your energy bills. Assuming all your bills are split fairly, it could be that certain members will find it hard to contribute their share, so this is a time for transparency and honesty.
    Review your household bills together to calculate monthly costs and find solutions that will work for everyone.

  2. Be fair when dividing bills

    Many shared households simply divide bills by the number of tenants. If that works for your home, then great. But when times are hard, it could be fairer to split the bills according to energy usage.
    For example, if certain household members work from home, they could pay more than those who spend less time there. Or, if someone is always in the shower or has the washing machine constantly running, they could chip in a bit more. Avoiding conflict and being as fair as possible is always your goal when managing shared bills.

  3. Create an energy-lowering strategy

    Agree on the steps you will take to lower your collective energy usage and set a realistic target of what you want to get your energy levels down to. Obvious things include turning lights off when not in use, unplugging unused electronics and limiting shower time.

  4. Set incentives and rewards for meeting your target

    Once you and your flatmates have set targets for what you want to bring your energy usage down to, you can collectively incentivise them – be it a night out together or a new treat for the home.

  5. Create a cleaning schedule to maintain appliances

    When major appliances such as air conditioners and fridges are not maintained, they can work less efficiently and consume more energy. So, aside from the usual things like washing up and vacuuming, think about drawing up a roster specifically for appliance maintenance so flatmates take turns carrying out tasks such as changing filters, scrubbing ovens or cooktops and cleaning fridge coils.

  6. Create a saving plan for more efficient appliances

    Old and inefficient appliances consume more energy than newer, more energy-efficient models. While you can individually purchase small appliances such as toasters, consider putting together a savings plan or kitty with your flatmates to collectively buy larger appliances such as an energy-efficient fridge.


  • Initiate a discussion about energy bills to find the best solutions for all.

  • Work together to divide bills fairly in accordance with who uses the most.

  • Create a strategy together for lowering your household's collective energy levels.

  • Incentivise your strategy to encourage members to reach the target.

  • Create a cleaning schedule for maintaining significant appliances.

  • Create a savings plan so you can all chip in for energy-efficient appliances.

ActewAGL's energy saving tips are designed to help you take control of your energy use, while reducing your bills and environmental impact. Save with great value energy plans backed by our sustainability promise, supported by 100% local, award-winning service - so you can LIVE A Good Life now and into the future.

For more information about how you can transition to an energy-efficient home visit the SolarHub & ActewAGL Smart Energy Hub today.

Disclaimer: These Energy Savings tips and articles are for information purposes only. Please ensure you are aware of any safety precautions before operating appliances or products.

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