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The small
business guide
to saving energy.

As a small business owner, you’ll know that every cent counts when it comes to your energy bill. In today's ever-evolving business landscape, efficiency is the secret to success, and reducing energy consumption can significantly benefit your bottom line.

Embracing energy saving practices translates into real-time cost savings and demonstrates a commitment to environmental stewardship that is sure to impress both employees and customers. If you're eager to maximise your business's potential while reducing its carbon footprint, this guide will lead the way.

Small changes make a big difference
When you want instant energy savings, these tips will cost you little to no investment. Optimise natural light in your workspace by utilising well-positioned windows and skylights and keeping blinds or curtains open to reduce the need for artificial lighting during daylight hours. Motion sensors are a handy way to turn lights off when rooms aren’t occupied. To go the extra mile, ditch those old bulbs and switch to LED lighting, which uses 75% less energy than traditional halogen bulbs.

Staff always forgetting to shut down? Power strips are an inexpensive way to centralise control over office equipment. By using power strips strategically, you can switch off multiple devices at once to circumvent phantom energy consumption overnight.

Keep cool or warm air flowing nicely. Regularly clean air conditioning filters and ensure air vents are unblocked for optimal efficiency so the AC or heating doesn’t have to do all the work.

Get your team onside. Involve them in energy-saving efforts with training and encouraging them to be mindful of their energy usage. Why not even record their own ideas for improvement?

Remember, if your business workflow allows it, letting staff work from home can reduce the energy used in your office space.

Smart sustainability investments
If you have the budget, smart energy investments can bring your business long-term cost savings. From computers and printers to copiers and scanners, consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances that work smarter, not harder. When buying equipment, the Energy Ratings Label star system can guide you to the most efficient gear.

Turning your premises into its own solar power plant by installing solar panels to your building brings benefits that can deliver a great return on investment. Thanks to 100% renewable sunshine, your business can lower its footprint and energy costs while reducing its grid dependence.

Got a sizeable vehicle fleet? Switching your business fleet to electric vehicles is a smart move towards sustainability and is a strategic financial decision. Electric vehicles are cheaper to keep on the road, require fewer repairs and your team will love cruising around in one! Setting up charging infrastructure at your site can further cut costs and offer greater control over your energy consumption.

Grab those small business grants
The national and local ACT Governments are supporting local homes and businesses to become more energy efficient. Try to take advantage of available grants, incentives and rebates that can give your business the financial leg-up it needs. The Australian Government’s Energy Bill Relief Fund, for example, is offering small businesses with an average electricity consumption financial support to assist with their energy bills.

When you want to upgrade to more sustainable water and energy systems, the ACT Government will cover 50% of the cost (up to $5,000) as part of its Business Energy and Water Program. The Program supports the upgrade of your site’s appliances, cooling or heating systems, hot water, insulation or lighting.


  • Maximise natural light in your workplace, use motion sensors and upgrade to LEDs.
  • Use power strips to power down efficiently and regularly clean air filters.
  • Get your team onside with energy-efficiency practices, allowing them to work from home where possible.
  • Use the Energy Ratings Label star system to compare equipment when upgrading.
  • Invest in a solar power system.
  • Switch your business fleet to electric vehicles.
  • Take advantage of the Energy Bill Relief Fund or Business Energy and Water Program to help save on your bill or on future upgrades.

ActewAGL's energy saving tips are designed to help you take control of your energy use, while reducing your bills and environmental impact. Save with great value energy plans backed by our sustainability promise, supported by 100% local, award-winning service - so you can LIVE A Good Life now and into the future.

For more information about how you can transition to an energy-efficient home visit the SolarHub & ActewAGL Smart Energy Hub today.


Disclaimer: These Energy Savings tips and articles are for information purposes only. Please ensure you are aware of any safety precautions before operating appliances or products.

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